
Saturday, June 20, 2015

More rabbits

I have made a lot of random clay things lately. Pop corn, candy, animals to put fur on, things for my Fantasy roombox. I hope to show everything some day =)
Most people on our swap got a bit delayed, so I'm still waiting for my packages, exciting =) I sent my stuff a bit early instead.. I was happy to get it done, then I didn't have to worry about what to send and when. And that was good, because I got a cold (again!) and had terrible pain in my throat. But I feel much better now. And got well enough to celebrate midsummer at my grandmas yesterday. =)
I will show my swap things as soon as I get my packages, so you have to wait a bit more to see what I made =)

But until then I thought I could show a new rabbit. I get stuck in things, when I make a rabbit, I can't just make one, I have to make them until I get sick of them... And I can never finish a project, I just keep doing random stuff, and the same thing over and over, sorry for that..
I so admire people that has a clear vision, a new project, and then they finish it, work on that thing for weeks, even month or years, and just do what needs to be done. I just start thousands of things and never finish anything..
Anyway I wanted to try to make a rabbit that had two colours. I decided to use white wool and colour it with a black pencil. Next time I'll try to mix two different colours of wool (I just need to wait for a package of new wool first..)

I thought this may be my the mother of my baby bunnies =) 
And she seem friendly with the dog of the house, but I would advice her not to touch that bone of his...
I made this very short and simple video with my furry mini friends =) I bought a stand for my phone and wanted to try stop motion, and it was a lot of fun =)
Remember it's just a quick first attempt, afterwards I saw the giant lamp-foot that shouldn't have been there.. and a few other mistakes..

And I decided to show this Persian cat after all, it's my first clay/wool Persian cat, it was hard to make, and I'm not that pleased with it, the face and the tail is a bit odd. But I hope the next one will be better =) It's a bit of a lottery doing these I think, you don't know if you made a good clay base until you have put fur on it, and then it's too late to fix any mistakes.
Maybe I should try add some whiskers to it. Feels like something is missing..

Next time I hope to show the swap things =)
Take care


  1. That's your first attempt at a cat?!? It looks amazing! One or two more cats and you'll have perfected your technique. I love the bunnies, especially the grey and white one. Very cute and realistic. The video is so cute, made me smile. Who says we aren't big kids at heart! Hope you're feeling well.

    1. Thank you!
      I just realized I have made 2 cats before, regular black cats, so this wasn't the first, like I thought =) But the first Persian. That flat nose is so hard to make, but the pointy nose isn't that easy either.. ;) But I have high demands on myself and I hate to practice, I want the impossible perfection from the first time. =)

  2. I love the bunnies!

    I am just like you Hannah! I always have many projects going on and some of them never get finished. But it is one of the things why I love this hobby, as it is possible for you to try and do a lot of things!

    1. Thank you Minna!
      It is a great hobby, and wonderful that we get to try so many different things, I just wish I could finish more of my projects, but maybe I will some day =)

  3. I think everyone has a way of her/his own... some do it straight and focus on their "vision"... others do what they feel like and in my modest opinion when the muse gives you a kiss you should obey and follow her... *grin* Your bunnies turned out very lovely and your cat looks great for a first attempt... maybe not like a Persian, but like a long-furred cat... not the worst result for first try with a cat.


    1. I think you are right Birgit! And it is more fun to follow my emotions instead of finishing that kitchen I have been wanting done for a long while now.. Maybe one day it will actually feel fun to finish it =)

  4. Part of the fun of miniatures is trying different things that's what I love about it :) Though I am trying Very hard to stay focused for my project lol. Your bunnies are beautiful and I love your cat its so cute.
    Hugs Maria

    1. Thank you Maria! I think it's very exciting following your new project, you seem very focused on that, and make such great progress =)

  5. Hi Hannah! I'll confess that I do lots of miniature things criss-cross through each other at the same time, like a mad woman, please, don't tell anyone ;O! Your bunnies are too cute and wonderful. For a first attempt I think that your cat looks great and I don't think the tail is odd, no, it's just good and cute for this adorable cat :)!
    I'm glad you're feeling better and that you've enjoyed of celebrating midsummer at your grandmas :D!
    Wishing you a nice weekend.
    Warm hug, Ilona

    1. I'm glad you are a bit mad just like me =) (I wont tell anyone ;) )
      Hope you had a great weekend, we had fun at my mums yesterday and today I take the opportunity to rest a lot =)

  6. Aw Hannah, we must all be secretly going bonkers, go and read my new post for my problems :D

    The cat is fantastic, and I had that same problem, base was too "fat", I think they need to be really, really skinny :D Didn't notice the lampbase until you mentioned it :D

    Sarah :)

    1. What a relief to read your latest blogpost too =)
      I start to think that I'm never going to be an organized person, at least not when it comes to keeping it clean and tidy and finish things =) But maybe that's OK and just the way I am =) One could be drowning in worse things that ongoing mini-projects =)

      Too bad I mentioned that lampbase then..... ;)

  7. Oh, forgot to say I love the bunnies too! :)

  8. Creo que lo importante es hacer aquello tienes en la mente en cada momento sea un gran proyecto o uno pequeño. Tus conejos son preciosos y el gato tiene una cara adorable.

  9. Your little video is so cute, I loved it! The dog won't harm the bunny, everything is beautiful in miniature worlds :). You mother bunny is just as lovely as the baby bunnies and the cat is great too. I think you have a gift for making animals.

    1. Thank you Susan! I have always loved animals, so I wish to be good at making them, so I can fill my house with animals, even when I can't have a real life one =)

  10. Hi Hannah, I love your furry critters and the cute video you made! Totally adorable, my friend. It is always so fun to read your posts and see what you've been working on. Hope you feel better soon (or already). xo Jennifer

    1. Thank you Jennifer! I do feel much better, this cold was much easier than the ones I had before this year, maybe the sun helped me get well faster =)

  11. Los conejos son preciosos al igual que el gato persa,adorables!!!
    Es normal que tengas varios proyectos empezados,creo que nos pasa a todas,a veces,la cabeza va más deprisa que las manos!!!

    1. Thank you Pilar! You are right, my head works faster than my hands =)

  12. You know I love your little animals, these are fantastic! You bunnies and kitty look redy for snuggles!

    Love the little stop motion video!

    1. Thank you!
      I hope to make another video soon =)

  13. Hi Hannah, your bunnies are adorable and your cat looks wonderful, especially for a first attempt !
    I love the cute video you made :)
    Have a great new week.

    Hugs Mieke xxx

    1. Thank you Mieke! Hope you are having a great week too!

  14. Hi Hannah!
    So adorable bunnies and the Cat! Wonderful works, can't believe it was your first attempt!
    Take care

  15. I love both the bunnies and the cat. The cat is not too bad!!! I think if you add wiskers it will look even more real. Cute!!!!! Well done on the stop motion movie...too cute!!!

    1. Thank you Simona! Hope to see a new blog post from you soon =)


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